
100% Polyester Filament Yarn [P-FDY]

100% Polyester Filament Yarn [P-FDY]

Polyester FDY is the abbreviation for Polyester Fully Drawn Yarn. It is also known as Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY). FDY can be knitted or woven with any other filament yarn to get fabric of various different varieties. It is mainly used in Saree, Dress Material, Home Furnishing Fabrics, Fashion Fabrics, Denim, Terry Towel and others. FDY yarn is mainly available in 3 lustre – Semi-dull (SD), Full Dull (FD) Bright (BRT) having circular section & having triangular cross-sections. Filament yarn having trilobal bright lustre is widely used in making curtains, bed-sheets and carpets. FDY is available in Raw-white as well dope dyed. Dope Dyed FDY yarn can be used to make the colored fabric directly instead of making the fabric with FDY Raw-white first & then dyeing it. Catonic FDY is another variation of Filament yarn. Polyester FDY yarn can also be twisted to make Polyester Embroidery Thread that is widely used in sewing. All products are checked by our QC systems and meet international quality standards.


100% Polyester Filament Yarn [P-FDY]

20 12 SD
30 12 SD
36 SD
40 12 SD
24 SD
50 24 SD, TBR.
48 SD, TBR.
72 SD, TBR.
56 36 SD, TBR.
68 24 SD, TBR.
75 36 SD, TBR.
72 SD, TBR.
144 SD
100 36 SD, TBR
48 SD, TBR
72 SD, TBR
120 96 SD
150 36 SD, TBR.
48 SD, TBR.
96 SD, TBR.
144 SD, TBR.
200 96 SD
300 96 SD, TBR.
360 96 TBR.
600 192 TBR.

SD = Semi Dull
TBR. = Trilobal Bright

Raw white & dyed yarns are available
Twisted yarns available.
Ply yarn & carpet yarn are available.

Origin : India, China, Taiwan, Malaysia.

Packing :

Carton / box packing
Pallet packing
7Kgs. Per spool, 6 spools per box
AA grade even packing
Available in paper tubes & perforated tubes.

Applications : Circular knitting, Warp knitting, Weaving, Elastics, Narrow fabrics, Twisting, Yarn dyeing, Industrial applications and many more.